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Positioning Jamaica as International Centre for Arbitration

Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, says the Government will be pushing for more persons to make use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in settling disputes as the Administration seeks to position Jamaica as an international centre for arbitration and mediation.

He said that the Government wants to see greater use of ADR by neighbours, communities, businesses, and other parties that are in conflict.

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Ease of doing business fuels investments in Jamaica

The size of the Chinese investments in Jamaica is said to be around US$3 billion and growing, leading many persons to wonder what the attraction is. It turns out that it is easy for Chinese firms to set up shop in Jamaica, and they are loving it – even the test of wringing profits out of challenging businesses. That is the sentiment of China’s top diplomat for economic and commercial affairs in Jamaica.

Jianghong Fan, counsellor for economic and commercial affairs at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Jamaica, told the Financial Gleaner in an interview that the operators of Chinese businesses – state-owned and privately run – are pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to incorporate and do businesses in Jamaica.

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House Passes Transfer Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019

The House of Representatives on Tuesday (December 10) passed the Transfer Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019, making permanent the two 2019/20 transfer tax revenue measures that were implemented in April.

The legislation was piloted by Minster of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke.

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More Cruise Ship Calls For December

A total of 66 cruise ships are scheduled to call at ports across the island for the month of December.

Of the total, 25 are scheduled for the resort town of Ocho Rios, with 19 for Montego Bay, 18 for Falmouth, and four for Port Antonio.

Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, told JIS News that the figure, while less than the 75 port calls for December 2018, is expected to rise as the season gathers momentum.

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Jamaicans Encouraged to Invest in Country

Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, is encouraging citizens to take full advantage of the “unprecedented” period of economic growth by investing in the country.

“Now is the time to ensure that you invest in Jamaica. It is a time not to be missed, it is an opportunity that we have not had before, and there is a transformation that is occurring and those who pay attention and take advantage of opportunities, in a few years will be the ones who are ahead,” he said.

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